Our Goals

  • Mineralize your water to enjoy instant access to personalized mineral water from your tap. 

  • Transform your existing water dispenser into a functional water dispenser

  • Eliminate the need for plastic bottles.

  • Cut the cost of constantly purchasing high-quality mineral water by making it at home with ease. 

  • Empower yourself to craft your own fortified mineral water, tailored to personal flavor preferences and health needs with Aqvita. 

  • Customize your water for food applications in order to enhance food nutrition and flavors.

  • Minimize your environmental impact by making mineral water on-site and reducing the production and transport of bottled water.




Mineral Formulations


Packaging Saved

Our Story

Aqvita emerged from a group of engineers dedicated to replicating and enhancing nature's intricate mineralization process with advanced precision.

After years of relentless research, we achieved a breakthrough: the ability to enrich any dispenser or filter with mineral-infused water at home.

We can mirror the quality of your preferred bottled water, whether it springs from the Alps or you simply want more refined, mineralized tap water.

Rooted in science and leveraging patent-pending technology, Aqvita caters to the unique hydration needs of everyone—from athletes requiring magnesium-enriched water to seniors in search of a calcium-abundant refreshment, we are here to ensure personalized choices for all.

Introducing an instant, specialized, and innovative approach to hydration and quality food production - Aqvita's mineral blend generator is a revolutionary tool for those who prioritize their hydration and health needs.